
Showing posts from 2021

John Winchurch - a life story

The Beginnings This is intended to be my story – John Victor Winchurch, born on 27 September 1942 up to the present day, but as an amateur family historian, I feel the need to begin with the basic details of my origins. My main vehicles for recording family history are where you will find my family tree under the user name John Winchurch and the tree name is John Winchurch 20170730 and also my blog sites :- On Wordpress the URL is with various sub headings leading to different family branches. On Blogger you can find similar material on . This tends to be updated more often and is now the site I use most after Ancestry. Here is a basic pedigree version of my family tree as it currently stands M y Grandparents When I was born in 1942, three of my grandparents and also, unusually, three of my great grandparents were still alive, as you can see from the family tree. Since all of my grandparents had a si...